
For my photo illustration class, we had to do “coffee” without actually taking a picture of coffee. Basically be more creative than to just take a picture of a cup of coffee. So I decided to make Coffee Battle Royale. I visited several different coffee places; Tim Horton’s, McDonald’s, Dunkin Donuts, Crimson Cup, Starbucks, and Cup ‘O Joe. I don’t drink coffee so I had to make hot chocolate for their “blood”. I took an old shoebox to create a little boxing ring or square I guess in this case, and made the coffee cups “battle” it out! I ended up having Crimson Cup win because I’m in Columbus, Ohio and it’s a local type of thing. But Starbucks almost won because they are such a giant company. Here are the 2 images I chose to show. One is a little silly, the other is well.. sort of normal!

Coffee Battle Royale Coffee Battle Royale

Our assignment for next week is to listen a song without lyrics and make an image from that. Hopefully, I can manage it!

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